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How To Keep Yourself Perfectly Brainwashed In The Matrix


How To Keep Yourself Perfectly Brainwashed In The Matrix | plugged-in-to-television-tv-mind-control-brain-washing-unplug | Consciousness Mainstream Media MK Ultra & Mind Control Propaganda Sleuth Journal Society US News

I was thinking the other day, what if someone was so afraid of the truth that they wanted to stay in the matrix of lies their whole life, what would someone who loves fantasy and lies have to do to remain perfectly brainwashed all the days of their lives? You are probably thinking, why would someone want to be brainwashed their whole lives? It shouldn’t surprise us since we actually see this phenomenon every day. People want to remain in their fantasy paradigms instead of waking up to the truth only they don’t articulate it to themselves so bluntly. Instead people subliminally tell themselves they would rather not wake up to any truth. People regularly indulge in artificial pleasures and stories to keep their minds entertained, so entertained that they don’t have the ability to see the truth.

Unfortunately most of these desires go unspoken. I decided, what if we could expose this complacency and subconscious desire to stay asleep? Perhaps exposing what one would have to do to stay asleep will shed light on what one would have to do to go along with the natural process of awakening that we are seeing worldwide.

To begin with, staying fully asleep in the matrix of lies created by government is analogous to being a good slave, a slave that never complains and does as he or she is told. So to begin with, in order to stay perfectly asleep in the matrix of CIA western media lies one would have to commit to never questioning any story put out by mainstream media news. Purpose to feel comfortable with mainstream media news, make sure you always sympathize and empathize with everything they say. Reject any feelings and deep thoughts that may suggest to you questions like- why is it that all mainstream media entities report the same stories in the exact same many all the time as in one hundred percent of the times? Reject these impulse of logic that may try to sneak into your thought process and stay calm and obedient (like a good slave) in the narrative that has be prepared for you on TV. How easy is that?

Next, make sure that you react to news only when you are told. Pay close attention and you’ll notice that the mainstream media will tell you when to worry about something. They will guide you through the pattern of problem, reaction and solution. Wait for their solution like a good hypnotized slave that you are. Tell yourself that the solution is always the best solution. Tell yourself that if the mainstream media presents a solution to a problem then obviously the solution they present is the best solution otherwise you wouldn’t be seeing it on TV.

Tell yourself that it is only obvious that this would be the case. If a solution is not presented in the news then how in the world can it be a viable solution? Tell yourself how illogical that is since we all know that mainstream media wouldn’t settle for a half baked, poor solution. No way in the world that any of the mainstream media networks would risk their reputations by presenting a solution that doesn’t work. Tell yourself how logical this is. By training yourself to think this way you are sure to stay tightly controlled inside the matrix of lies and you will be able to avoid all forms of reality and the fear and stress that comes with embracing that silly thing called reality and it accompanying logic, truth and reason.

What else can you do to maintain your personal haven of fantasies and keep yourself in your fun hypnotic trance without disturbance from reality? Trust and believe all the Hollywood produced narratives, resist any subliminal movies that may suggest something is wrong and realize those are just producers playing with fictional ideas. Tell yourself there is no way that the United States is not the good guys. All those countries out there are just jealous of America and the military powerful empire that we are. We police the world because we have an obligation to do it. That’s right, tell yourself that if the U.S. military fails to police a country they are showing that they don’t care. Tell yourself, who cares that the U.S. has over 761 military bases worldwide and that the U.S. military has a presence in over 156 countries, that there are only about 46 countries worldwide who do not have the U.S. military occupying them. Tell yourself that the U.S. is the police of the world and it can do whatever it wants. Then realize the responsibility that mainstream media carries in conveying this message to the world. What awesome people they are!

Feel proud of your country with every day you live. Play those violent video games and tell yourself that the victims in those violent video games are simply the hard headed folks who don’t get it and deserve to have their butts beaten. Remind yourself that life is like sports, win some lose some. Those that end up dead at the hands of the U.S. and its global partners like Israel and others deserve it. Surely they did something wrong to interfere with the U.S./Israeli mission. Tell yourself that all these people who don’t agree with us are annoying anyway and their lives are worthless. The sooner we kill them off the sooner we can move on to true progress you can tell yourself.

With all the war and killing debates cleared from your mind and out of the way you can then move on to other things like making sure you never miss a game and never miss your favorite TV shows. Why would you ever consider missing a game or missing your favorite TV shows? Can you imagine the thought of that? How crazy would this be? No way, only morons with no life would ever miss their favorite TV show and the good part is that at the end of all the shows that 11 O’clock news will come on to guide you for the night. Pay attention closely and the news lady will tell you what is happening, what to expect and exactly how you should react to the next problem. It doesn’t get any easier than this. They (the media) free you from having to think on your own and you should appreciate this.

Don’t worry it’s all safe and everything is going to be alright. Unless, ISIS gets on a plane and shows up at your local mall. But how will you know what they look like? Oh gee don’t worry, stay tight to the matrix of lies and the police and the DHS will keep your safe from ISIS. Ah, isn’t it a wonderful thankful feeling you have for having DHS, TSA, Federal and local police keeping you safe from ISIS? Those amazing warriors! How could you ever thank them?

In order to keep yourself perfectly brainwashed in the matrix you’ll have to practice thoughts of government mass safety implementation. Yes, perhaps you should volunteer to be strip-searched, root for mass lock-downs and respect and behave at public check points. Tell yourself how cool those cops out there are for keeping Americans safe from the terrorists that are everywhere even though we don’t see them.

Keep yourself deep in the matrix by appreciating all the mega banks that are protecting America’s money supply. We wouldn’t want an out of control recession or financial collapse right? Tell yourself, thanks to the Federal Reserve banking system and all the too big to fail banks we are in good hands because it is obvious they care about us. Plus the mainstream media would expose those bankers if they did anything at all that was remotely illegal or immoral. Thanks to the media, they represent yet another layer of protection against corruption.

In order to stay deeply asleep in the matrix you’ll also have to silence those self-proclaimed critical thinkers that want to spread their “truth” around by bad mouthing the mainstream media, the government, the banking system and the U.S. military. Screw them, tell yourself, they are just conspiracy theorists who make up stories out of the blue just for attention. Just because they regularly produce sources and documents to back their stories means nothing. Everyone knows it’s easy to make up a phony government document and claim its a government document. Besides anyone can see a story from a different angle, it doesn’t mean these alternative angles are correct.

In order to stay comfortable in the matrix these are the types of logical arguments you must repeatedly tell yourself. You’ve heard it said many times, if 9/11 was an inside job wouldn’t someone had spoken up by now? Those that have spoken out don’t count because they are obvious conspiracy nuts and conspiracy nuts don’t count.

By repeatedly thinking this way and feeling a sensation of pleasure when obeying government you are sure to remain fast asleep in the matrix of lies created by our own government. Years of research, study of human behavior, experiment on manipulation of the masses, successful application of propaganda have proven that for as much as there is a natural process of waking up to the reality of the globalist gangster plans, there is equally a process for staying asleep in the matrix of lies and these are just some of the ways of accomplishing this.

The best and most effective way to stay asleep and brainwashed in the matrix in my opinion is to esteem sports and entertainment as more important than current events. This is the clincher technique that will guarantee your ride in the matrix will not be disturbed. You will constantly find yourself emotionally competing between listening to world events versus catching that big show tonight or watching the big game this weekend. As long as you stay focused you should be good to go. No one will disturb your ride and no one stands a chance at waking you up. No way you would ever allow that to happen. Anyone who tries to wake you up is acting selfishly and just trying to start trouble. That is why mainstream media portrays these people as conspiracy nuts and you understand this right?

Now that you know how to stay tightly brainwashed in the matrix of lies, relax and enjoy life. Screw the news and all the events of the past, present and future. Just make sure you don’t miss out on too many shows, too many concerts, games and movies. Ah life is good isn’t it?

Sadly, many Americans actually follow these instructions to perfection without realizing what they are doing to themselves, their consciousness and self awareness, their mental health, their humanity and their sanity. We truth seekers must find new ways to appeal to those asleep. This is but one suggestion.

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