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How 9/11 Truth Looms In The Background Of The CIA Torture Stories


How 9/11 Truth Looms In The Background Of The CIA Torture Stories | cia | 911 Truth CIA False Flags Government Government Corruption

With CIA torture programs now fully exposed to the world, a common background theme has emerged. The CIA torture report by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence is a summary of the original report which you can read for yourself. In the first few pages of the Senate report we are quietly reminded that the backdrop which set the stage for the justification of torture is 9/11. More specifically the 9/11 “official story” narrative. The much questioned, challenged, and refuted official story narrative that is. The report quietly pulls the reader in with passionate recollection of 9/11:

I recall vividly watching the horror of that day, to include the television footage of innocent men and women jumping out of the World Trade Center towers to escape the fire. The images, and the sounds as their bodies hit the pavement far below, will remain with me for the rest of my life.

Reading down further in the report the 9/11 official story meme continues fully settling on the clear determined narrative that would be used in CIA’s attempt to justify torture by reminding the audience of the “terrorist plots”

It is worth remembering the pervasive fear in late 2001 and how immediate the threat felt. Just a week after the September 11 attacks, powdered anthrax was sent to various news organizations and to two U.S. Senators. TheAmerican public was shocked by news of new terrorist plots and elevations of the color-coded threat level of the Homeland Security Advisory System. We expected further attacks against the nation.

Do you remember now? The day when (CIA asset) Bin Laden and his (CIA) Al Qaeda terrorist (supposedly) took over four commercial planes and strategically overpowered the worlds greatest military, all from a cave in Afghanistan? For anyone with any sense of logic and reason, just think for a minute. We are asked to believe that the same Al Qaeda that the establishment media claims did 9/11 is STILL alive and well, and fully operational, never having missed a beat fighting against the world’s most sophisticated military, and returning fire (even-Steven and tit-for-tat) while keeping up on supplies and ammo. All of this for over 15 plus years!!

One problem with this 9/11 backdrop ‘war on terror’ narrative is that long after the war in Afghanistan seemed like it should have been over, the war (or more correctly, the occupation) mysteriously and illogically continues without missing a beat. Even as humanity has witnessed years of a “war” with literally no evidence of a war, the “war” continues. That’s right, for over 15 years, while the CIA torture program rolls on fully implemented, no one has ever produced, authenticated and validated video proof of a war in Afghanistan showing the opposition clearly firing at the U.S. troops in a war-like scenario and sustaining themselves in the heat of battle. It’s been over 15 years and yet there is still no clear cut footage showing the Al Qaeda tanks, artillery and grunts running around fighting hard against their U.S. enemies. Where is this footage??

Another problem with the war on terror narrative is that humanity has long woken up to the fake terror and long term (U.S.-Israeli/PNAC) Middle East plans. With the help of the alternative media, citizens journalists, independent media and investigative journalists, expansions of government engineered synthetic terrorism has been fully exposed. Thanks to the U.S./Israeli/NATO ongoing Middle East aggressive ambitions exemplified by the creation, arming and funding of ISIS and their terror partners (FSA, Al-Nusra), the continued engineered war on terror is now fully exposed to the world.

Consequently, looming in the background of this revelation of CIA torture and public indignation over Bush and Cheney war crimes, is the years of lies and how much the 9/11 official story meme has fallen apart since 2001. No longer does the story fit into the reality we now experience. From the Bin Laden death hoax and all the secrecy surrounding this event that never quite happened the way U.S. officials and the media say happened, to the long list of oddities and mysterious deaths of key witnesses and characters, to the now deeply established scientific facts about the improbable destruction of the 3 WTC towers, the 9/11 official story is no longer easy to believe.

Thus looming in the background of the hideous CIA torture programs is the powerful and liberating truth of 9/11. It sits in everyone’s consciousness waiting to come out. Now that horrific torture is fully revealed to the world, government can only hope that the masses somehow still believe the 9/11 official story lie.

Mixed unofficial polls have been taken which indicate anywhere from 35 to 70+ percent of Americans question the official story narrative. What the actual percentages is no one really knows. This much is true however, the 9/11 official story doesn’t make any more sense. The story suffers from too many holes, too many convenient oddities and coincidence, a blatant violation of the laws of science, frightening coincidental and untimely deaths of witnesses and outdated logic justifying the continued existence of Al Qaeda (and now ISIS) who of course never attack Israel or plan other 9/11 style attacks from caves in Afghanistan.

It’s absolutely time for the world to wake up to 9/11 Truth which is primarily based on the overwhelming scientific evidence, and secondarily on gathered evidence against the true masterminds. We know factually that the towers were brought down by controlled demolition. Three teams of researchers confirmed the presence of nano-sized thermite in the dust of the world trade centers. Samples (of WTC dust) which when tested, each time showed the confirmed presence of thermite, a military grade incendiary compound whose thermite form has been used for controlled demolition in the past. This irrefutable evidence for controlled demolition should loom in the background of everyone’s mind as they continue to read about the CIA (engineered, staged, pre-planned, malicious) torture program actually designed to maliciously torture innocent people for which there is no credible evidence of a crime or wrongdoing other than being verbally accused of being a “terrorist”.

So as the illegal prison in Guantanamo remains wide open against all promises by Obama, let us forever remember the men illegally imprisoned there without rights and without justice. Let us consider the possibilities that too many Americans are too afraid to face. Americans would rather bury their heads in the sand than to face the reality of 9/11, torture, illegal prisons and war crimes.

Remember this however, 9/11 Truth will eventually be admitted by the mainstream media. It may not happen today or tomorrow. Perhaps the system is not quite ready to admit 9/11 Truth and merge all of these charges to the record of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld quite yet. But the puzzle has come together for many of us and we are waiting for critical mass awareness to move forward with justice. Many of us believe justice for 9/11 will happen sooner or later. This is the course humanity is on and today I’m happy to say I believe this CIA torture exposure brings America and humanity as a whole one step closer to accepting and thus acting upon 9/11 truth.

The post How 9/11 Truth Looms In The Background Of The CIA Torture Stories appeared first on The Sleuth Journal.

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